2 thoughts on “who says Gynarchists can’t be hilarious?

  1. Yes indeed. I particularly liked the way She didn’t specifically reference Trump’s decision, merely had the picture taken and waited for the media to do its work. But then women have always been more sophisticated like that.

    I just wanted to say that I discovered your blog only this weekend and I think it’s wonderful! Everything from the elegant picture tiles for the postings, on the front page (although being a male it took me a while to work out that you’re supposed to scroll sideways) to – of course – the content. You are clearly learned in gynarchic theory and I look forward to reading more.

    Best wishes



  2. Scroll sideways, everyone.

    Thanks for your comments, servitor. But i certainly wouldn’t claim to be learned in Gynarchic theory (if there is such a thing) – i’m mostly making it up as i go along…


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